Welcome to Colorado Rocky         Mountain Talk Therapy

Welcome to Colorado Rocky         Mountain Talk Therapy

The Art of Finding Your True Self

Have you been feeling like something is missing in your life or that somewhere you lost a part of yourself ?Maybe you feel you have lost yourself or even do not know who you really are. Your younger care free self seems out of reach. Maybe you never really knew who you were, but you are trying to figure it out now. Or you want to work on being independent and comfortable with yourself.

Do you focus on doing things for others and put your needs last. Time goes by and before you know it, years have passed. Sometimes, the messages we receive growing up can be conflicting with how we feel inside. Or the messages we get from TV and social media can cause confusion.

Or you are in a place you never thought you would be. You realize you have not done something for yourself in a long time and then feel guilty when you do something for yourself. And now you realize you don’t even remember what you like anymore.

If you can relate to any of this, CRM Talk Therapy can help.

CRM TALK THERAPY can help you get from where you are right now to where you want to be through online counseling. Online Counseling is the delivery of mental health counseling using therapeutic interventions via the Internet. It has been found by the American Psychological Association (APA) online counseling can be as effective as face to face. It is offered by video, telephone, email and text.

Online Counseling is:

  • Evidence-based – based on proven, well-researched treatments within the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach. Learn more about CBT here>
  • Affordable – you get full quality support from me at more affordable price.
  • Accessible & time saving – you do not need to travel to your therapist’s office. You can get help from wherever you are in the world.
  • Private & anonymous – you do not need to expose yourself face-to-face in a waiting room or therapist’s office.
  • Secure & confidential – your work is saved anonymously in a secure server where only you and myself have access to it.

The foundation of Colorado Rocky Mountain Talk Therapy is based on the belief:

  • YOU have the capacity to grow into what you want.
  • YOU are ultimately responsible to yourself and the world around you.
  • YOU accept responsibility for your thought processes and actions.

Acceptance based interventions are incorporated to communicate to you:

  • YOU are accepted as you are
  • YOUR thoughts and behaviors make sense.

If you would like to see if CRM Talk Therapy is the right fit for you, 0 minute FREE consultations are available. There is no fee for this appointment so all I ask is that you respectful keep the appointment or give me a 24 hour notice if you cannot make it.